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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Law Firm De Vincentis (hereinafter referred to as "Studio" or "Owner") has always been committed to keeping your personal data safe and to guaranteeing the protection of your rights. In fact, the data you provide us with will be treated in compliance with the GDPR and the national legislation on privacy pro tempore applicable, as well as the obligations of confidentiality required by law and professional ethics. With this Privacy Policy, we will also give you all the information relating to your rights that the Italian and European legislation in force provide in your favor. For any request for information relating to this Privacy Policy or in general to the management of information by the Firm, we invite you to contact us.Pursuant to art. 13 D. Lgs. 196/2003 (hereinafter "Privacy Code") and art. 13-14 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), and in relation to personal data that the Law Firm De Vincentis will come into possession with the assignment of your practice, we inform you of the following.

1. Owner of the treatment

For the purpose of the GDPR, the Data Controller is:

Studio Legale De Vincentis
Avv. Gianluca De Vincentis
P.I. 01566390629
Via Roma 85, 82037 Telese Terme (BN)

2. Definition of "Personal Data"

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, "Personal Data" means any information that identifies or makes identifiable a natural person, such as, for example, name and surname, date and place of birth, tax code, telephone number, home address, email address, passport number, driver's license number, images, credit card numbers, etc. ("Personal Data"). ("Personal Data") The category of "Personal Data" also includes: the so-called "sensitive" data, i.e. those data that allow the disclosure of racial or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of political parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade-unionist character, health status, sex life and economic situation of a natural person. d. "judicial" data, i.e. any information that allows the disclosure of the existence of certain judicial measures that are subject to registration in the judicial record (for example, definitive criminal sentencing measures, conditional release, prohibition or obligation to stay, alternative measures to detention) or the quality of defendant or suspect.

3. Nature of Personal Data processed and how they are provided

The Personal Data that the Practice may collect includes: - contact information, such as first name, last name, job title and/or job title, company address, residence - where applicable -, telephone number, cell phone number, fax number and email address;- payment information, such as information required for payment processing and fraud prevention, including credit/debit card numbers and other related billing information;- business information where necessary for the implementation/development of a project or contractual relationship;- information collected from public sources, such as information provided by credit agencies; national/european/international databases of trademark and patent offices; lawyers and/or external collaborators who hold Personal Data as Data Holders; - information on disputes or any judicial and/or administrative proceedings that may concern you or third parties related to you, which may also be relevant for antitrust purposes; - special categories of Personal Data both for the purposes of carrying out the task conferred on us (we may, for example, acquire information about your membership of a professional association or trade union, health, etc.), and on the occasion of your membership of a professional association or trade union. ), and during your consultation and interaction with this website. Any use of such information is based on your consent. If you do not provide such information, however, we will be unable to take all necessary precautions; - other Personal Data relating to your preferences in relation to the legal services we offer and/or details of any meetings we may hold with you. Your Personal Data may be collected on a number of occasions, such as:- your request for legal advice or assistance in court;- your browsing/interaction with our website;- your attendance at an event organised by us;- your offer to provide services to us. We collect and process Personal Data that you voluntarily provide to us by electronic or paper-based mail and/or by hand, etc., thereby granting your consent to the processing. In some circumstances, your Personal Data may be collected from public and/or third party sources.

4. Purposes of Personal Data Processing

The Law Firm may use your Personal Data only for the following purposes ("Purposes"): - to carry out our professional duties and to provide you with legal advice or legal services requested by you, whether in or out of court; - to manage and administer the business relationship between you and us, including processing payments, invoicing and providing any necessary support services; - to comply with our legal obligations, including, for example, record keeping obligations, anti-money laundering obligations (in particular, D. Lgs. 231/2007 as amended) and preventing the use of the financial system for money laundering purposes. 231/2007 as amended) and the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of criminal activity and the financing of terrorism. 21 of Legislative Decree 231/2007 "Obligations of the client" and subsequent amendments), as well as the obligations related to the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing. amendments), as well as obligations related to compliance with antitrust legislation;- to manage and guarantee your security in the event of access to our offices, computer and communication systems, online platforms, websites and other systems, also for the purposes of preventing and detecting security threats, fraud or other criminal or harmful activities - to analyze and improve our services and the communications sent to you; - to identify the persons authorized to represent you; - to comply with obligations imposed by the judicial authorities and/or to protect our rights; - for any purpose connected and/or ancillary to those indicated above and for any other purpose for which you have provided your Personal Data.

5. Legal basis of the treatment and consequences of refusal of treatment

Generally, there are no harmful consequences if you do not provide Personal Data and/or consent to process Personal Data. However, in some circumstances, if you do not provide Personal Data and/or consent to the processing of Personal Data, we will be unable to act and carry out the requested task, for example, because this Personal Data is necessary to process your instructions or orders. In particular, with respect to the processing for the Purposes set out in Section 4 above, please note that your Personal Data is processed:- because the processing is necessary for the purposes of following your instructions or performing a contract entered into with you;- in order to comply with legal obligations;- because the processing is necessary for a legitimate interest of ours or of third parties receiving your Personal Data, unless your interests, fundamental rights and freedoms override such interests. In addition, the use of your Personal Data may be justified on the basis of your consent, if you provide it explicitly. If you do not provide explicit consent for the Additional Purposes, you will not receive any communication from us and your Personal Data will not be used for these purposes. Failure to consent to the Additional Purposes will not prevent us from providing services in connection with your engagement.

6. Methods of processing Personal Data

The processing is carried out by means of the following operations or set of operations: collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of Personal Data.Personal Data may be processed by means of both paper and computer files (including portable devices) and processed in the manner strictly necessary to meet the above purposes.The processing is carried out by the Owner or his delegates/collaborators.

7. Processing, Communication and Disclosure of Personal Data

I Vostri Dati Personali verranno trattati dal Titolare e dagli incaricati del trattamento.Ai fini del corretto adempimento dell’incarico o per scopi amministrativi, di fatturazione e per altri scopi commerciali, i Vostri Dati Personali potranno essere comunicati – ove ciò sia necessario e su base confidenziale – a collaboratori esterni e fornitori di servizi, soggetti operanti nel settore giudiziario, alle controparti e relativi difensori, a collegi di arbitri.In particolare, potremo comunicare i Vostri Dati Personali a:- altri avvocati, esperti legali (inclusi mediatori) o consulenti;- studi legali stranieri con lo scopo di ottenere una consulenza sulla base di una legge straniera;Su base confidenziale, potremmo divulgare i Vostri Dati Personali a:- terzi allo scopo di migliorare e promuovere i nostri servizi, nonché di manutenzione dei nostri sistemi;- società che forniscono servizi in materia di antiriciclaggio di recupero del credito e per altri scopi di prevenzione della criminalità;- ad autorità giurisdizionali/amministrative, avvocati o altre parti laddove sia ragionevolmente necessario per l’espletamento dell’incarico;- fornitori di servizi anche esterni allo Studio, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.Divulgheremo i Vostri Dati Personali solo in una o più delle seguenti ipotesi: (i) Vostra autorizzazione; (ii) quando è previsto per legge o dalla normativa applicabile o ordinato da un’autorità giudiziaria/amministrativa; o (iii) per indagare l’eventuale sussistenza di attività fraudolente o criminali effettive o sospette.Per maggiori informazioni, Vi invitiamo a contattarci al seguente indirizzo email:

8. Transfer of Personal Data abroad


Your Personal Data may be transferred abroad, if required for the performance of the Purposes and/or the Further Purposes.In particular, your Personal Data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union with respect to which the European Commission has decided, pursuant to Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, that the laws in force there ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. In the absence of such a decision by the European Commission, your Personal Data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union only after we have adopted adequate safeguards of protection, in accordance with Article 46 of Regulation 2016/679, for example by adopting standard contractual clauses established by the European Commission (and available at the following link: of the Firm's offices, wherever located, guarantee, and will always guarantee, an adequate level of protection for your Personal Data. We will always require our suppliers, agents, consultants, etc. to provide equal protection for your Personal Data.

9. Storage of Personal Data

The Law Firm will retain the Client's Personal Data as and when necessary to carry out the engagement and, after the engagement ends, will retain such Personal Data for as long as is necessary to comply with applicable civil and accounting laws, and subject to the Law Firm's business needs.

10. Security and Transfer of Personal Data

The handling, storage and processing of your Personal Data is ensured through appropriate technical and organizational measures to keep your Personal Data confidential and secure in accordance with our internal procedures. Personal Data may be stored on our Personal Data management systems, on those of our suppliers or on paper files.

11. Your rights

You are entitled to exercise your rights under applicable law at any time, including the following rights - receive confirmation of the processing of your Personal Data by the Firm and request access to their content; - update, modify and/or correct your Personal Data, where inaccurate and/or incomplete; - where applicable, request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of your Personal Data processed in violation of the law; - where applicable, request the limitation of processing; - oppose at any time the processing of your Personal Data in case of particular situations that concern you; - receive your Personal Data provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and request that such Personal Data be transmitted to another data controller without hindrance; - revoke at any time your consent to the processing of your Personal Data provided for specific purposes; - lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of Personal Data.

Per esercitare uno o più dei diritti sopra elencati, potrete inviare specifica richiesta a mezzo:- lettera raccomandata a.r. indirizzata a Avv. Gianluca De Vincentis, Via Roma 85, 82037 Telese Terme (BN)- posta elettronica certificata al seguente indirizzo

12. Contacts

If you have any questions regarding any need for clarification or information on the contents of this Privacy Policy, please send an email to

13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

Over time, we may need to update this Privacy Policy to comply with any new requirements and to reflect the needs of the Practice. For that reason, we encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Policy, which is posted on our website at Material changes will be indicated at the beginning of the Privacy Policy and, where necessary, you will be asked to re-consent.


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